Blended learning for peope development

blended learning personalentwicklung

June 27, 2024

What is blended learning and how can you utilize it for people development in the best possible way? This blog article provides a detailed overview of blended learning and describes the pros and cons of different learning formats. You will also receive specific tips on how blended learning journeys can be implemented effectively in the long run.

Blended Learning Definition

Blended learning refers to the combination of asynchronous learning (e.g. e-learning) with synchronous formats (e.g. face-to-face training, seminars, or virtual live-sessions). In the past, this was sometimes also referred to as hybrid learning, but the term blended learning has now prevailed. You can also find a detailed definition of the term here.

Both the content and the duration of a blended learning format can vary quite considerably. It ranges from short formats consisting of a short self-learning phase and a live-session to blended learning journeys lasting several months in which asynchronous self-learning phases alternate with live-sessions.

Blended Learning Definition

Blended learning in practice

More and more organizations are relying on blended learning formats, especially for conveying interdisciplinary future skills. This was also reflected in the troodi L&D Trend Report 2024. The people developers and HR generalists surveyed named blended learning as the second most frequently used learning format.


There are various reasons for the increasing popularity of blended learning. To better understand this, it makes sense to look at the pros and cons of different learning formats in more detail.

Synchronous training formats: Pros and cons

With synchronous learning, e.g. face-to-face training or live-online-training, several people in a group work with the learning content simultaneously. For a long time, this was the standard in people development. Live-training allows trainers to control and actively manage the participants’ learning process and adapt it to the needs of the group. In addition, learning in a group increases motivation and commitment for many people.

However, traditional synchronous learning formats also have disadvantages. When learning together in a group, time may be lost as the pace of learning is often determined by the slowest person. Furthermore, it is difficult to individualize the learning content. Learners sometimes deal with content that is not relevant to them personally. Face-to-face training also involves additional costs, including for travel, training room, and accommodation. Many organizations allow their employees to work remotely – and also want to provide this option for their development. Nevertheless, synchronous formats remain an important part of people development and are particularly suitable for team development or strategy workshops.


  • High level of control over the content and learning process
  • Social contact fosters motivation and commitment
  • Collaborative learning and co-creation
  • Training format is widely accepted by learners


  • Time consuming
  • Hard to individualize
  • High additional costs
  • Not scalable

Asynchronous digital learning: pros and cons of e-learning

In asynchronous learning formats, the learner is self-directed in their learning. This form of learning is not new per se – reading a non-fiction book would also fall under the definition of asynchronous learning. With the advance of digitalization, this learning format has become more widespread in people and organizational development. Digital learning offers a high level of flexibility in learning. The content can be accessed anytime and anywhere – exactly when the learner needs it. In addition, the learning content can be adapted specifically to the learner’s needs, for example by means of AI support. Learners are offered tailor-made development solutions based on their prior knowledge and individual learning preferences. Digital learning also enables learning content to be scaled across large target groups. Organizations can receive automated evaluations of their employees’ learning behaviour – for example, how much, what, and when they learn.

However, asynchronous e-learning also comes with a number of challenges. This form of learning requires more from the learners – as they are not accompanied by a trainer, they have to take responsibility for their own learning process and for achieving their learning goals. The flexibility of this format is also a challenge. “Anytime” can quickly become “Another-time”: Learning is reprioritized in favor of other urgent tasks. In addition, learners often feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of e-learning offerings and lack social interaction with other people. Digital learning is therefore particularly useful when knowledge needs to be conveyed quickly to a large target group – for example, for product training or as part of onboarding processes.


  • Scalability
  • Flexibility
  • Individualization
  • Reliable data for evaluation and action planning


  • Need for higher learning maturity
  • Risk of low commitment
  • Choice overload
  • Missing social exchange

Blended Learning: Advantages and challenges

Blended learning promises to solve many of the aforementioned challenges by combining the advantages of synchronous and asynchronous formats. Learners alternate between digital self-study phases and moderated live-sessions in a group. Self-directed learning enables a high level of individualization, while the social elements increase motivation, commitment, and practical relevance.


Example: Blended learning leadership development from troodi

But there are also a few things to bear in mind when designing blended learning journeys. First of all, it is important to find the right balance between self-control and predetermined structure. This depends on the maturity level of the learner, but as a rule of thumb: As much structure as necessary, as much self-control as possible. For example, fixed dates can be set for the live-sessions, but participants can decide for themselves when to complete the e-learning units within a certain time frame. It is also important for the success of a blended learning journey to continuously remind participants of their learning journey and to motivate them, especially for the self-learning phases. Reminder emails, small gamification elements, or learning challenges are good ways to do this. In addition, it is important – especially with regard to the self-learning phases – that the leader supports the learning process and ensures, for example, that the person has enough time for asynchronous learning with e-learning. The GESEPA model describes how blended learning formats should be designed in order to be successful in the long term. According to this model, six success factors are decisive in the design and implementation of blended learning journeys.

Success factors for Blended Learning

  • Curation of the learning content
  • Joint kick-off and transparency about goals and content
  • Balance between personal responsibility and structure
  • Continuous activation and motivation of participants
  • Support from their leader and management
  • Sufficient time for learning
  • Use of target group-oriented tools that appeal to different learning types

Blended learning enables flexible learning and can be easily integrated into learners’ everyday working lives. In addition, the mix of self-directed and social learning allows participants to work at their own pace on topics relevant to them while experiencing in-depth discussions and practical application. For this reason, more and more organizations are relying on blended learning formats to promote relevant future skills. However, in order to achieve sustainable effectiveness, it is important to support learners on their learning journey.

Want to find out more about blended learning? Watch the recording of our blended learning presentation on our YouTube channel. You can also find out more about our blended learning offer on our website.

Julian Wonner
Head of Business Development
Julian is Head of Business Development at troodi and has worked as a systemic consultant and agile coach for several years. He has worked on topics such as self-organized teams, New Work, appreciative feedback (culture), and empowering leadership. He brings his experience as a trainer to the troodi learning programs on topics such as agile working, productive collaboration, and personal development.


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