Kanban – more than just a method

Kanban – more than just a method

Besides Scrum, Kanban is the most popular framework when it comes to agile working. However, the method consists of much more than just the well-known Kanban board with colorful post-its on it. It provides an alter­na­tive way to agility and helps manage chaos in ever­yday work life by visua­li­zing it, estab­li­shing smooth processes, and iden­tifying blockers. What exactly is it all about?

Five tips for effective self-learning

Five tips for effective self-learning

Digital self-learning has the potential to provide more individualized and thus more effective employee development. However, it is not always easy for learners to maintain their level of engagement. To make learning projects successful, certain frameworks are needed. We provide five tips that can help structure and sustainably drive your own learning process.