The future of digital learning is blended


July 6, 2022

Which learning formats can support us in achieving sustainable success in these fast-moving times? What are the current trends and in which direction is digital personnel and organizational development moving? With this question in mind, we are taking part in Learntec in Karlsruhe.

The world of work is characterized by constant change. So it’s no surprise that our way of learning is also constantly evolving. With the increasing complexity and speed of our environment, new and flexible learning methods are in demand. What learning formats can help us achieve sustainable success in these fast-paced times? What are the current trends and in which direction is digital HR and organizational development moving? With this question in mind, we are heading to the Learntec in Karlsruhe – Europe’s largest event for digital learning. From May 31 to June 2, the big players of the digital education industry gather here: 11,000 visitors, 370 exhibitors from 19 countries. In three halls, the latest offerings and technologies, that will drive the industry forward in the up-coming years, will be presented. In addition to booths and workshops, presentations and networking discussions ensure a lively exchange of ideas in the e-learning community. As a provider of practical e-learning formats, we surely couldn’t miss the Learntec. We took the event as an opportunity to reflect on the current state and the future of digital learning. Six takeaways emerged for us, and those will, as we believe, shape the direction of the digital education industry in the coming years.

Blended learning is the future of organizational learning

The combination of self-directed learning on the one hand and exchange, reflection and practical application on the other, offers the best of both worlds. Even “after Covid”, virtual events offer unbeatable flexibility and allow learning journeys to be longer and thus more sustainable. Digital learning should not be seen as an opposition to face-to-face learning – we need a balance!


Individualizable learning paths

There is a clear trend towards customizable learning opportunities. No “one size fits all” solutions, but customizable content. This need can be met through curated learning offerings. It is important to develop customer-specific solutions with a clear storyline and a conceptual framework. A “10-course meal” based on individual tastes, so to speak.

Or the users make the selection for themselves. With this kind of self-selection, flexible structures are needed, in order for the users to develop their own learning journeys. They choose on their own what they want to learn, as well as when and how. Users are supported during this process, e.g. through self-assessment. The “buffet” solution. In any case, learning is particularly successful when it is specifically geared to the learner’s knowledge level, preferences and environment.

Skill-based learning opportunities

Increasingly, competency models or assessments are coming into play in order to be able to offer users individual learning opportunities. The advantage: increased relevance and acceptance of the offerings, which are also more efficient. If someone has already mastered a topic, it is simply hidden. This leaves time for something new. Skill-based offers have a high effect through the self-assessment of one’s own performance level. Active self-responsibility is the keyword here. It is particularly sustainable when learning behavior is linked to one’s own habits and learning itself thus becomes a habit.

Brevity is the soul of wit

It’s not just videos on YouTube that are getting shorter and shorter; it happens in the education industry, too. There’s a clear trend toward crisp learning units. Nuggets, micro-learning, atomic learning – they all offer short, practical impulses. But here as well, it’s all about context, because together and well combined, these formats should enable comprehensible and sustainable development for users.

Learning Nugget

Stronger as a team


After the initial focus in the e-learning sector was on individual learners and independence, new formats and technologies are now also emerging that enable virtual teamwork. Social learning in so-called learning communities can look very different: Moderated, completely self-organized, or as a team in the form of sprints, for example. In the near future, a lot will happen in this area, both online and offline.

It’s all in the packaging

When it comes to learning platforms and content, the importance of visual presentation should not be underestimated. Digital learning offerings work better when they are attractively designed and intuitive to use. This motivates users and supports them on their learning journey. In this respect, the metaverse can also be discussed as a potential new learning environment. VR and AR technology representatives were also present at the Learntec and demonstrated what the future of digital learning could look like. An exciting development, but one that still has a big question mark hanging over it.   In short, digital learning offerings of the near future should ideally be blended, customizable, short, activating, and beautifully presented. It’s not surprising that a large proportion of organizations are now turning to digital and blended learning or are at least looking into it. As an e-learning provider, it is our job to support this process and make it successful – through good content and a few tricks. Learn more about how you can implement successful digital workforce development in your organization in our Whitepaper “Hacking digital learning”.

Samuel Lopez
Business Development Manager
Samuel ist Head of L&D Consulting bei troodi und studierte Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation in Deutschland und Spanien. Dabei hat er sich auf die Themen Kommunikation, Diversität und Zusammenarbeit konzentriert. Bei Interesse an der Zusammenarbeit mit troodi und unseren Produkten, ist er der richtige Ansprechpartner.


Blended learning for peope development

Blended learning for peope development

What is blended learning and how can you utilize it for people development in the best possible way? This blog article provides a detailed overview of blended learning and describes the pros and cons of different learning formats. You will also receive specific tips on how blended learning journeys can be implemented effectively in the long run.