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The seven resilience factors
Are you wondering what the 7 pillars of resilience are? This article presents the famous model that defines the seven resilience factors in detail. This might also help you to become more resilient in your own life.
The future of digital learning is blended
Which learning formats can support us in achieving sustainable success in these fast-moving times? What are the current trends and in which direction is digital personnel and organizational development moving? With this question in mind, we are taking part in Learntec in Karlsruhe.
Ways to relieve stress – Recovery and rest
Increasing performance pressure, the urge for self-optimization and a full schedule are almost part of everyday life for many of us. This can quickly lead to overload and inner restlessness if breaks are neglected. This blogarticle outlines different ways to relieve stress through rest and relaxation.
The best time management methods and techniques
Many people know the feeling of not having achieved enough at the end of the working day. Often the reason is poor time management. Here you will find an overview of the most effective time management methods and techniques, with which you can make your workday much more productive and consistent.
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